It began, for me, around 1:00 when - around the back of Claremont hotel, down an ally way, up some industrious looking stairs and through some grey doors - I found myself in the gallery, namely the 'Grey Door Gallery'. Small and cramped, the Gray Door Gallery was small but artistically decorated with purple paint and street art on the walls. From the ceiling hung 3 lights, each contained by a painted birds cages. A small Bar sat in one corner, a DJ set in the other, bright gold 70's style couches around the edge and a small T shaped runway in the middle.

Inside there waited about 200 gift bags ready to put together by the helpers which included 2 other students from Curtin which I hadn't met before. Once these were done, we were able to see (and touch!) the garments that were going to be on show later that night, before sorting and steaming them.
Even though we were mere helpers, we were still able to mingle when the guests arrived (after a quick outfit change). The night was amazing with 16 models wearing 16 outfits by 16 different designers.
At the show;

Danica, Jade and me
Here are a few of my favourite pieces;



Photos from WAtoday(Matthew Tompsett
More photos at new look website is coming soon!
xx Cordelia
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